Tag: cook

Beef Croquette and croquette balls

Beef Croquette and croquette balls

The Dutch love their snacks, like bitterballen, kroketten and frikandellen. They even have special snack vending machines, maybe you know them as Automats. In Dutch these were named Automatiek, but are now known as FEBO, named after the first, and now biggest, company to have introduced 

Home Made Fries

Home Made Fries

The Dutch love their fried snacks, like bitterballen, kroketten and frikandellen. They eat them with fries with sauce in many varieties like “patatje oorlog”, fries with peanut sauce, mayonnaise and raw onions, or “friet speciaal”, (literally, special fries) fries with mayonnaise, curry-ketchup sauce and raw 



Ketchup is so much more than just a sauce made of pureed tomatoes. It’s spicy, sweet and a tad bit sour and tastes great with most deep-fried snacks. This is why this recipe is one of the first in my new category: Fry-day! With these 

Dutch Meat Croquettes

Dutch Meat Croquettes

The Dutch love their snacks, like bitterballen, kroketten and frikandellen. They even have special snack vending machines, maybe you know them as Automats. In Dutch these were named Automatiek, but are now known as FEBO, named after the first, and now biggest, company to have introduced 

Advocaat no-bake cake

Advocaat no-bake cake

In my last post I told you about advocaat, a Dutch custard-like eggnog. Today I will be sharing an old recipe for no-bake advocaat cake! Ingredients 100 gr butter 100 gr sugar 1 tbsp vanilla sugar 3 eggs 200 ml Advocaat 8 leaves gelatin 250 

South-Dutch Donuts

South-Dutch Donuts

Poefele and Nonnevotte.. Most Dutchies won’t even be able to tell you what these are. This is because they are a variety of the oliebollen I told you earlier about, but only eaten in the south of the Netherlands, Limburg. They are enjoyed during Carnaval, a Christian 

South Dutch pickled meat

South Dutch pickled meat

Zuurvlees, or zoervleisj as it is called here down south, is a dish traditionally made of pickled horse meat. Nowadays the horse meat is usually substituted by beef, which only slightly alters the taste. Some of you might know this dish as “Sauerbraten”, a German 

Apple Butter

Apple Butter

In Limburg known as Zeem, Kroet, Kruutje, Sjroap or Ziepnaat. In regular Dutch? Appelstroop. Mostly made from apples that had already fallen from the tree, so nothing would go to waste! Apple butter is a dark treacle made of apples and sugar. It’s mostly used 

Dutch pea soup

Dutch pea soup

The first snow is falling down here in the Netherlands and even though it is melting the second it touches anything, it sure is cold! Which means it is time for some more traditional Dutch winter dishes. Traditionally, pea soup is cooked with a pig 

Delicious and Quick Pear Crumble

Delicious and Quick Pear Crumble

Today I’ll give you a recipe that is quick and easy if you want a warm snack. It’s a crumble with pear and honey, and almonds for a nice crunchy top. I used almonds for the crunch, but pecans or hazelnuts taste great too. And