Tag: gingerbread men

Gingerbread-like Dutch biscuits, Pepernoten or Kruidnoten

Gingerbread-like Dutch biscuits, Pepernoten or Kruidnoten

Officially these would be “kruidnoten”, but pepernoten are also proper Dutch. Pepernoten used to be made with taai-taai dough, but have lost their popularity over the years. While kruidnoten are crunchy like speculaas, pepernoten are soft and chewy, like taai-taai. However, if a Dutch person speaks 

Dutch Gingerbread Men

Dutch Gingerbread Men

They are practically the same as the English gingerbread men, only with a difference in spices. “Taai” means viscous or chewy in Dutch, so taai-taai get’s its name from the lack of moisture in the mixture. Mostly consumed during the Sinterklaas night on the 5th of December,