Tag: spice mix

Lapis Legit

Lapis Legit

If you are on a diet turn around now! Take a look at the ingredients, this cake is not for the faint hearted. But it’s so, so delicious.. Spekkoek is a type of Indonesian layer cake. It was developed during colonial times in the Dutch East 

Breakfast Cake

Breakfast Cake

  Originally called ‘peperkoek’, because most spices were called “pepper” back when they were first introduced in Europe. It is a kind of sweet bread that is used to sweeten and bind stews or to eat for breakfast, as the name implies. This recipe is part 

Gingerbread-like Dutch biscuits, Pepernoten or Kruidnoten

Gingerbread-like Dutch biscuits, Pepernoten or Kruidnoten

Officially these would be “kruidnoten”, but pepernoten are also proper Dutch. Pepernoten used to be made with taai-taai dough, but have lost their popularity over the years. While kruidnoten are crunchy like speculaas, pepernoten are soft and chewy, like taai-taai. However, if a Dutch person speaks 

Dutch Gingerbread Men

Dutch Gingerbread Men

They are practically the same as the English gingerbread men, only with a difference in spices. “Taai” means viscous or chewy in Dutch, so taai-taai get’s its name from the lack of moisture in the mixture. Mostly consumed during the Sinterklaas night on the 5th of December, 

Dutch speculaas spices

Dutch speculaas spices

The holidays are nearly upon us, so it’s time I’d introduce you guys to a Dutch holiday called Sinterklaas. Also known as Sint Nicolaas, sound familiar? Sinterklaas on his horse Amerigo Sinterklaas is a children’s holiday which is celebrated on the 5th of December in